Services – rauds


Our Services

Company and Corporate Secretarial Services

It is a requirement of the Companies Act that all UK registered companies must maintain various official


Value Added Tax (VAT) is an ongoing obligation for many businesses. As a business grows and its turnover increases,

Payroll and Workplace Pensions (WPP)

Operating a payroll is a mandatory obligation if your business has employees. As an employer you have a


Partnerships can be a superb way of bringing a diversity of talents together. This can be an exceptional structure to

Limited Companies

Operating as a Limited Company allows business owners to explore the various remuneration options.

Land and Property

If you have a rental income, you have a legal obligation to report this activity to HM Revenue and Customs.

General Compliance Checks and Tax Enquiry

HM Revenue and Customs regularly conduct compliance checks with businesses. Their primary focus is to ensure

Construction Industry Scheme

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is relevant to anyone who is or intends to carry out work in the

Cashflow Management

When it comes to management reporting, one of the most important factors is the cash that is expected to flow in and out

Business Start Ups

When starting a new business, it is paramount to have the correct infrastructure in place to ensure a smooth take off.


Books and Records must be retained for up to seven years. It is a regulatory requirement to produce your books and


Producing regulatory Accounts and Tax disclosures is a statutory obligation for all businesses.